Section of the American Sociological Association
Fostering sociological thinking about families. Bringing together those who want to learn & teach about families.
The Family Section Distinguished Career Award
Winner: Margaret Nelson, Middlebury College The Family Section William J. Goode Book Award Winner: Kelley Fong, University of California, Irvine, “Investigating Families: Motherhood in the Shadow of Child Protective Services.” Princeton University Press 2023 Honorable Mention: Jessica Halliday Hardie, Hunter College, CUNY, “Best Laid Plans: Women Coming of Age in Uncertain Times.” University of California Press 2022 The Family Section Article of the Year Award Winner: Oh, Eunsil and Eunmi Mun. 2022. “Compensatory Work Devotion: How a Culture of Overwork Shapes Women’s Parental Leave in South Korea.” Gender & Society 36(4): 552-577. Honorable Mention: Rao, Aliya Hamid. 2022. “Relational Work in the Family: The Gendered Microfoundation of Parents’ Economic Decisions.” American Sociological Review 87(6): 1094-1120. Honorable Mention: Yu, Wei-hsin and Hope Xu Yan. 2023. "Effects of Siblings on Cognitive and Sociobehavioral Development: Ongoing Debates and New Theoretical Insights." American Sociological Review 88(6): 1002-1030. The Family Section Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award Winner: Faith Deckard, University of Texas at Austin, “Surveilling Sureties: How Privately Mediated Monetary Sanctions Enroll and Responsibilize Families” Honorable Mention: Derek Siegel, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, “Policing Motherhood, Controlling Families: Race, Reproductive Governance, and Trans Women's Parenting Rights” Honorable Mention: Juhwan Seo, Cornell University, “Quotidian Homonationalism: Green Card Adjudication, Immigration Law, and Liberal Inclusion of Same-Sex Binational Marriages” The Family Section Linda Burton Travel Award Winner: Daniela Carreon, Arizona State University Winner: Tia Dickerson, Howard University Winner: Shiyue Cui, University of Buffalo, SUNY
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The ASA Family Section Distinguished Career Award
Lynne Casper, University of Southern California The ASA Family Section William J. Goode Book Award Sarah Damaske. 2021. The Tolls of Uncertainty: How Privilege and the Guilt Gap Shape Unemployment in America. Princeton University Press. The ASA Family Section Article of the Year Award Christina J. Cross, Paula Fomby, and Bethany Letiecq, “Interlinking structural racism and heteropatriarchy: Rethinking family structure’s effects on child outcomes in a racialized, unequal society,” Journal of Family, Theory, & Review, 2022, 14: 482-501. AND Sarah Thébaud and David S. Pedulla, “When Do Work-Family Policies Work? Unpacking the Effects of Stigma and Financial Costs for Men and Women,” Work and Occupations, 2022, 49(2): 229-263. The ASA Family Section Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award DeAnna Y. Smith. “Shuffle Out, Shuffle In: Child Protective Services Contact and Institutional Shuffling Amongst Black Middle-Class Mothers.” Under review. The ASA Family Section Linda Burton Award Vanessa Delgado, Department of Sociology, Stony Brook University AND Rahat Shah, Institute for Sociology, Goethe University Frankfurt We encourage you to nominate your colleagues, mentors, or students to recognize their scholarly contributions to sociology of families. Self-nominations are also welcome. Please note that all nominees must be registered members of the ASA to be considered for section awards.
Distinguished Career Award This award recognizes the collective body of a person’s work as it relates to the sociology of the family (not a single publication). Award winners may be selected on the basis of distinguished contributions to either research or service. Service to the field includes developments (such as data sets or analytic techniques) that have had a substantial impact on family research. Please send the nominee’s CV to Jennifer Hook ([email protected]) by March 10, 2023. A short letter of nomination (no longer than one page) is optional but encouraged. William J. Goode Book Award This award is for a book on the family published in 2021 or 2022. The committee will consider only books nominated by section members and we encourage self-nominations. Textbooks and edited volumes are not eligible. Please send an email notification of your nomination to Robert Crosnoe ([email protected]) no later than January 13, 2023 and request the mailing addresses for the members of committee. Arrange for the publisher to send copies of the books directly to the committee chair and all members (6 copies total). Article of the Year Award This award recognizes a journal article that has made a significant contribution to the field of family sociology. The award committee will accept nominations for articles published in 2020, 2021, or 2022. Nominations may be made by the author or others. To nominate, please send an electronic copy of the article to the chair of the award committee, Rebecca Glauber ([email protected]). The deadline for nominations is March 10, 2023. Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award Graduate Students are invited to submit an article-length paper on the family. The paper should represent a finished product rather than a proposal for future work. The submission can be based on a course paper, a recently published journal article, a manuscript under review at a journal, or a conference presentation. Co-authored papers are acceptable if all authors are students, although the prize will be shared. The paper must have been written when the author was enrolled in a graduate program. The paper may not exceed 30 pages or 11,000 words. Please send an electronic copy of the paper to Kei Nomaguchi ([email protected]) by March 10, 2023. The Family Section Distinguished Career Award
Wendy Manning, Bowling Green State University William J. Goode Book Award Leslie Paik. (2021). Trapped in a Maze. University of California Press. And Honorable Mentions (alphabetical order) Celeste Curington, Jennifer Lundquist, and Ken-Hou Lin. 2021. The Dating Divide. University of California Press. Krystale Littlejohn. 2021. Just Get on the Pill. University of California Press. Article of the Year Award Mazrekaj, Deni, Kristof De Witte, and Sofie Cabus. 2020. “School Outcomes of Children Raised by Same-Sex parents: Evidence from Administrative Panel Data." American Sociological Review 85: 830-856. Honorable Mention Torche, Florencia and Alejandra Abufhele. 2021. “The Normativity of Marriage and the Marriage Premium for Children’s Outcomes." American Journal of Sociology 126: 931-968. Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award (Co-Winners) Sigrid Luhr. 2020. Signaling Parenthood: Managing the Motherhood Penalty and Fatherhood Premium in the U.S. Service Sector. Gender & Society 34(2):259-283. Shay O’Brien. The Family Web: Multigenerational Class Persistence in Elite Populations. Honorable Mentions Delgado, Vanessa. 2022. Leveraging Protections, Navigating Punishments: How Adult Children of Undocumented Immigrants Mediate Illegality in Latinx Families. Journal of Marriage and Family. Lee, Youngcho. 2022. Is Leave for Fathers Pronatalist? A Mixed‑Methods Study of the Impact of Fathers’ Uptake of Parental Leave on Couples’ Childbearing Intentions in South Korea. Population Research and Policy Review 41: 1471-1500. The ASA Family Section Distinguished Career Award
This award recognizes the collective body of a person’s work as it relates to the sociology of the family (not a single publication). Award winners may be selected on the basis of distinguished contributions to either research or service. Service to the field includes developments (such as data sets or analytic techniques) that have had a substantial impact on family research. Please send the nominee’s CV to Rin Reczek ([email protected]) by March 11, 2022. A short letter of nomination (no longer than one page) is optional but encouraged. The ASA Family Section William J. Goode Book Award This award is for a book published on the family in 2020 or 2021. The committee will consider only books nominated by section members and we encourage self-nominations. Textbooks and edited volumes are not eligible. Please send an email notification of your nomination to Christine Schwartz ([email protected]) no later than January 31, 2022 and request the mailing addresses for the members of the committee. Arrange for the publisher to send copies of the books directly to the committee chair and all members (6 copies total), which may arrive shortly thereafter. The ASA Family Section Article of the Year Award This award recognizes a journal article that has made a significant contribution to the field of family sociology. The award committee will accept nominations for articles published in 2019, 2020, or 2021. Nominations may be made by the author or others. To nominate, please send an electronic copy of the article to the chair of the award committee, Gayle Kaufman ([email protected]). The deadline for nominations is March 11, 2022. The ASA Family Section Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award Graduate students are invited to submit an article-length paper on the family. The paper should represent a finished product rather than a proposal for future work. The submission can be based on a course paper, a recently published journal article, a manuscript under review at a journal, or a conference presentation. Co-authored papers are acceptable if all authors are students, although the prize will be shared. The paper must have been written when the author was enrolled in a graduate program. The paper may not exceed 30 pages or 11,000 words. Please send an electronic copy of the paper by March 11, 2022 to Robert Crosnoe ([email protected]). The Family Section Distinguished Career Award
Judith Seltzer, University of California, Los Angeles William J. Goode Book Award Laura E. Enriquez, University of California, Irvine. Of Love and Papers: How Immigration Policy Affects Romance and Family. University of California Press, 2020. And honorable mention: Jennifer M. Randles, California State University, Fresno. Essential Dads: The Inequalities and Politics of Fathering. University of California Press, 2020. Article of the Year Award Kelly Fong. 2020. “Getting Eyes in the Home: Child Protective Services Investigations and State Surveillance of Family Life.” American Sociological Review 85(4): 610-638. Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award Shannon Malone Gonzalez. 2020. “Black Girls and the Talk? Policing, Parenting, and the Politics of Protection,” Social Problems. Allison Daminger. 2020. "De-gendered Processes, Gendered Outcomes: How Egalitarian Couples Make Sense of Non-egalitarian Household Practices. American Sociological Review 85(5): 806-829. The ASA Family Section Distinguished Career Award
This award recognizes the collective body of a person’s work as it relates to the sociology of the family (not a single publication). Award winners may be selected on the basis of distinguished contributions to either research or service. Service to the field includes developments (such as data sets or analytic techniques) that have had a substantial impact on family research. Please send letters of nomination (no longer than one page) and the nominee’s CV to Jessica Halliday Hardie ([email protected]) by March 13, 2021. The ASA Family Section William J. Goode Book Award This award is for a book published on the family in 2019 or 2020. The committee will consider only books nominated by section members and we encourage self-nominations. Textbooks and edited volumes are not eligible. Please send an email notification of your nomination to Kelly Raley ([email protected]) no later than January 31, 2021 and request the mailing addresses for the members of the committee. Arrange for the publisher to send copies of the books directly to the committee chair and all members (6 copies total), which may arrive shortly thereafter. The ASA Family Section Article of the Year Award This award recognizes a journal article that has made a significant contribution to the field of family sociology. The award committee will accept nominations for articles published in 2018, 2019, or 2020. Nominations may be made by the author or others. To nominate, please send an electronic copy of the article to the chair of the award committee, Sarah Halpern-Meekin ([email protected]). The deadline for nominations is March 13, 2021. The ASA Family Section Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award Graduate students are invited to submit an article-length paper on the family. The paper should represent a finished product rather than a proposal for future work. The submission can be based on a course paper, a recently published journal article, a manuscript under review at a journal, or a conference presentation. Co-authored papers are acceptable if all authors are students, although the prize will be shared. The paper must have been written when the author was enrolled in a graduate program. The paper may not exceed 30 pages or 11,000 words. Please send an electronic copy of the paper by March 13, 2021 to Christine Schwartz ([email protected]). The Family Section Distinguished Career Award
Debra Umberson, University of Texas - Austin. William J. Goode Book Award Dawn Dow, University of Maryland. Mothering While Black: Boundaries and Burdens of Middle-Class Parenthood. UC Press, 2019. Caity Collins, Washington University in St. Louis. Making Motherhood Work: How Women Manage Careers and Caregiving. Princeton University Press, 2019. Article of the Year Award Barber, Jennifer S., Yasamin Kusunoki, Heather H. Gatny, and Jamie Budnick. 2018. “The Dynamics of Intimate Partner Violence and the Risk of Pregnancy during the Transition to Adulthood.” American Sociological Review, 83(5):1020-1047. Honorable mention Gurusami, Susila. 2019. “Motherwork Under the State: The Maternal Labor of Formerly Incarcerated Black Women.” Social Problems, 66(1):128–143. Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award Cross, Christina. 2020. “Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Association Between Family Structure and Children’s Education”. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82,(2):691-712. Honorable mentions: Daminger, Allison. 2019. “The Cognitive Dimension of Household Labor.” American Sociological Review, 84(4): 609-633. Hill, Jasmine. Forthcoming. “Kin Support of the Black Middle Class: Negotiating Need, Norms, and Class Background.” Social Problems.. |